Wednesday, January 19, 2005

今天,我們很遺憾主席否決了我們的建議:在議會開會時,為趙紫陽先生的逝世肅立默哀一分鐘。 我們別無選擇,只能向自己的良心負責。 默哀後,我們靜待會議重開,最終會議因法定人數不足而流會,這是很遺憾的事。 公道自在人心,我們願意為自己的良心和行為負責。 二零零五年一月十九日


19th January, 2005 25 Pan-democratic Legislators Announcement We deeply regret that our proposal to observe a minute’s silence at today’s Council meeting to mark the death of Mr. Zhao Zhi-yang was ruled out by the President. We have no choice but to act in accordance with our conscience. After the minute’s silence, we waited quietly, for the meeting to resume. Finally, to our regret, the meeting was aborted because of the lack of quorum. We are prepared to stand by our conscience and action.



日期 :2005年1月19日