聲援泰國人民爭取自由的抗爭 許智峯譴責泰政權鎮壓人民
Monday, October 19, 2020
聲援泰國人民爭取自由的抗爭 許智峯譴責泰政權鎮壓人民







許智峯說,背棄人民的政權,最終只會釘在歷史上的恥辱柱,遺臭萬年,他促請泰國政府回頭是岸,立即釋放被捕人士,並以對話和聆聽去解決政制改革的問題。許智峯又勉勵泰國人民即使面對專制政權打壓,不要放棄,亦不要絕望,繼續為爭取公義而發聲。「你們並不孤單,勝利最終會屬於人民。Stand with Thailand!泰國人民加油!」






Ted HUI Chi-fung voices support for Thais fighting for freedom, condemns Thai government for using violence against its own citizens


The Thai government deployed heavy police force and water cannons against Thais who were fighting for democracy and royal reforms last week. Democratic Party Legislative Councillor Ted HUI Chi-fung, along with various other Democrats, gathered outside the Royal Thai Consulate today in protest against the government’s violent crackdown on protests and infringement of human rights and freedoms. HUI calls on the Thai government to release the detainees immediately and respond to the protesters’ demands with dialogue.


HUI said the scenes of violent crackdown on protests are similar to those experienced by Hong Kongers in the past year. Hong Kongers and Thais share the same hope and belief, and that is to fight for justice, democracy, human rights and freedoms. “The Government should not suppress and restrict Thais’ calls for urgent political reforms, human rights and freedoms, and release of their friends,” said HUI.


“The Thai government should stop using violence against protesters at once. They should listen to the voice of the people and respond to calls for political reform positively and peacefully. The Thai government should not follow the examples of the notorious HKSAR government and police, who have continuously suppressed human rights and freedoms with arbitrary arrests and excessive violence. Do not infringe the rights of expression and assembly of your citizens; do not attack your youngsters and your next generation!”


HUI said regimes who turned their back on people will be featured in history’s hall of shame. He urges the Thai government to release detainees instantly and use dialogue to solve issues concerning constitutional reforms. HUI hopes Thais will continue to fight for justice and not give up. “You are not alone. People will ultimately claim victory. Stand with Thailand!”


Democratic Party Legislative Councillor Ted HUI Chi-fung

19th October, 2020