民主黨提出多項法例修訂案 禁止在巴士總站等地吸煙
Saturday, June 10, 2006

1. 立法會審議《2005年吸煙(公眾衛生)(修訂)條例草案》的工作已近完成,條例草案委員會主席鄭家富希望於七月的立法會大會通過條例草案,鄭家富並將就政府的草案提出多項修訂,以加強禁煙管制,保障市民免受二手煙影響,及防止青少年吸煙。就著修訂案的內容,民主黨在2006年5月3日至7日,透過語音系統,訪問了977名市民,了解公眾意見。被訪者中6.4%有吸煙習慣,5.7%偶然吸煙(調查結果見附件一)。




3. 然而,民主黨議員提出的其他數項加強禁煙的修訂案,政府仍未接納。這包括鄭家富提出的修訂案,將所有公共交通交匯處訂為法定禁煙區(修訂案見附件五)。調查結果發現,83.4%被訪市民贊成所有公共交通交匯處禁止吸煙,有吸煙習慣的被訪者中,亦有53.9%表示贊成。


4. 有見於不少公共交通交匯處為露天場地,有上蓋的交匯處亦可能有部份面積為露天地方,且大都沒有清晰的邊界,市民在了解個人是否處於交通交匯處範圍內時可能存在困難,鄭家富建議衛生福利及食物局局長日後在執行法例時,要求管理人以顏色漆油標示禁煙區範圍。此外,場地的管理人須在所有禁止吸煙區的顯眼處,設置及維持足夠數目的中英文標誌,表示禁止吸煙,並在旁展示禁煙區的圖則,讓市民清楚了解自己是否身處法定禁煙區的範圍。


5. 鄭家富日前在立法會條例草案委員會中提出這項修訂案時,獲得大部出席的立法會議員支持,有上蓋的公共文通交匯處由於空氣不流通,大部份議員更是關注禁煙的迫切性,部份立法會議員甚至建議將所有巴士站納為法定禁煙區。但是,政府態度保守,並未支持鄭家富將交通交匯處列為法定禁煙區的建議,表示政府現時只計劃禁止在室內工作間吸煙,就公共交通交匯處禁煙,要作進一步諮詢。


6. 此外,鄭家富將會向立法會提交另一項修訂案,將所有巴士總站訂為法定禁煙區(修訂案見附件六),民主黨的調查發現,81.6%被訪市民對建議表示支持,有吸煙習慣的被訪市民亦有60.3%表示支持。


7. 根據運輸署所提供的資料,現時全港共有259個公共交通交匯處及巴士總站,其中100個有上蓋,159個露天。市民在公共交通交匯處及巴士總站排隊等候公共交通工具時,若附近有人吸煙,難以迴避,必受二手煙影響,而且大量車輛出入,空氣質素本已較差,因此,建議露天及有上蓋的範圍都應指定為禁煙區。


8. 此外,民主黨的調查發現,80.3%被訪市民贊成所有休憩公園都禁止吸煙。民主黨鄭家富就此提出另一項修訂案,將所有公眾遊樂場地全部列為法定禁煙區(修訂案見附件七),除了休憩公園,公眾遊場亦包括其他讓市民進行康樂體育活動的場所,包括: 公眾遊樂場地主要範圍

場地 數目
公園 115
花園及休憩處 631
遊樂場及兒童遊樂場 466
運動場、網球場、壁球瑒、健身徑 49
體育館 87
泳灘 43


9. 對於這項修訂,政府回覆立法會條例草案委員會時表示,政府的《2005年吸煙(公眾衛生)(修訂)條例草案》已將在室內的公眾遊樂場地定為法定禁煙區,對在室外公眾娛樂場地禁煙,應先聽區議會的意見。 10. 鄭家富提出的另一項修訂案,是禁止售賣香煙予身穿校服人士,並要求出售香煙人士設置中英文標誌,表示香煙產品不得售予18歲以下人士或身穿校服人士(修訂案見附件八)


這項條訂案的目的是為了防止青少年吸煙,亦是政府控煙工作的主要目標。現時桌球室亦有類同的規定,不得讓身穿校服人士進入,在執行上應該是可行的。然而,同樣地,政府表示須再作考慮,現時亦未接納鄭家富的建議。 11. 政府對民主黨立法會議員提出的修訂案的回應,及市民的意見,概括於下表:

民主黨修訂案內容 政府回應 被訪市民意見
將兒童遊樂場訂為法定禁煙區 接納 88%贊成
所有公共自動電梯上禁止吸煙 接納 90.8%贊成
將濕地公園訂為法定禁煙區 接納 73.2%贊成主園公園禁煙
將所有公共交通交匯處訂為法定禁煙區 考慮 83.4%贊成
將所有巴士總站訂為法定禁煙區 未討論 81.6%贊成
禁止售賣香煙予身穿校服人士 考慮 --
將所有公眾遊樂場地全部列為法定禁煙區 應先聽區議會意見 80.3%贊成休憩公園禁煙



12. 民主黨醫療政策發言人鄭家富對政府接納民主黨的數項修訂案,以加強控煙工作,表示歡迎。但是,對政府議而不決,在民主黨已認真草擬了法例修正案、並有調查顯示民意支持、有充份理據顯示建議務實可行,甚至已就執法工作進行深入研究及提出具體建議的情況下,政府仍然不願接納民主黨建議,保障市民免受二手煙影響,甚表失望。鄭家富認為政府官員在保障市民健康方面決心不夠,若政府不接納以上修訂條例草案的建議,鄭家富會繼續爭取,以個人名義,提出立法會審議階段修正案。 


立法會《2005年吸煙(公眾衛生)(修訂)條例草案》委員會主席  鄭家富  醫療小組召集人 李建賢


Democratic Party Raise Amendments to Ban Smoking in Bus Terminus

13.  The consideration of the Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Bill 2005 in the Legislative Council is near to finish. The chairperson of the bills committee Andrew Cheng Kar-foo scheduled to have the bill passed in July. Andrew Cheng will raise several amendments to the government’s bill to further enhance tobacco ban, with the purpose of protecting the public from hazards of second hand smoking, and to prevent smoking of the young people. The Democratic Party conducted an opinion poll on the contents of his amendments from 3-7 May 2006. We have interviewed 977 people, of whom 6.4% are smokers, and 5.7% are occasional smokers (please refer to Appendix 1 for poll results).


14. The government have accepted some of the amendments raised by Legislative Councillors of the Democratic Party, including one raised by Andrew Cheng to ban smoking in children’s playground (please refer to Appendix 2 for the amendment). The poll of the Democratic Party found that 88% of the respondents agreed with the amendment and 73% of the responded smokers agreed. The government also accepted another proposed amendment to prohibit smoking on all elevators of public places (please refer to Appendix 3 for the amendment). The poll of another opinion poll conducted by the Democratic Party in January this year found that 90.8% respondents agreed with the proposal. Another amendment proposed by Fred Li Wah-ming of the Democratic Party to prohibit smoking in the Hong Kong Wetland Park was also accepted by the administration. Our poll found that 73.2% respondents agreed that smoking should be prohibited in theme parks, such as the Ocean Park.


15.  However, some other amendments raised by the Democratic Party were not accepted by the administration, including one proposed by Andrew Cheng to prohibit smoking in public transport interchanges (please refer to appendix 5 for the amendment). The poll found that 83.4% respondents and 53.9% responded smokers agreed.


16.  In view of the fact that many public transport interchanges are in open spacs or partly in open space their boundaries are unclear, so that the public may have difficulties in knowingt whether one is in the area of a public transport interchange or not, Andrew Cheng suggests that the Secretary of the Health, Welfare and Food should request the manager of any public transport interchange to delineate the no-smoking areas with paints. Moreover, the manager should also show a sufficient number of signs in English and Chinese in obvious positions, so as to indicate that smoking is prohibited in the no smoking areas. A plan of the no smoking areas should also be displayed next to the signs.


17. Most of the Legislative Councillors agreed with the amendment. Most members are especially concerned about smoking ban in covered areas of public transport interchanges, which are not properly ventilated. Some members even suggested to prohibit smoking at all bus stops. However, the administration stated that the current plan is mainly to prohibit smoking in indoor areas only, and they will need further consultation on the issue of whether smoking should be prohibited in public transport interchanges.


18. Andrew Cheng will also raise an amendment to prohibit smoking in bus terminuses (please refer to Appendix 6 for the amendment). Our opinion poll found that 603% respondents agreed.


19. According to information provided by the Transport Department, there are a total of 259 public transport interchanges and bus terminuses in Hong Kong, with 100 of them covered and 159 in open spaces. Andrew Cheng suggests that smoking should be prohibited in both covered and opened areas, as people in queues waiting for vehicles at transport interchanges or bus terminuses would not be unlikely to avoid second hand smoking if other smoke nearby.


20.  The opinion poll also found that 80.3% respondents agreed that all rest gardens should be no smoking areas. Andrew Cheng thus further suggests that smoking should be prohibited in all public pleasure grounds (please refer to Appendix 7 for the amendment). In addition to rest gardens, public pleasure ground also includes other recreation and sport venues. Main venues of Public Pleasure Grounds

Venues Number
Park 115
Gardens and sitting-out areas 631
Playgrounds and Children’s playgrounds 466
Sports grounds, tennis centre, squash centre  and fitness trail 49
Stadium 87
Bathing beaches 43


21.  The administration stated in its reply to the bill’s committee of the Legislative Council, that the government’s bill has included indoor areas of the public pleasure grounds as no smoking areas. However, they were of the view that the District Board should be consulted before making a decision as whether smoking should be banned in the out door areas. 22. Another amendment raised by Andrew Cheng was to prohibit selling cigarettes to persons in school uniform (please refer to Appendix 8 for the amendment).


The aim of the amendment is to protect young people from smoking, which is also one of the main objectives of government. Similar regulations have been imposed in billiard saloons and therefore the proposed amendment should be feasible. However, the amendment is still under consideration by the administration and has not been accepted till now. 23.  The opinions and feedbacks of the administration to the amendment raised by the Democratic Party is summarized in the table below:

Amendments Feedbacks from Govt. Public Opinions
Prohibit smoking in all childrens playgrounds accept 88% agreed
Prohibit smoking on all public elevators Accept 90.8% agreed
Prohibit smoking in the Hong Kong Wetland Park Accept 73.2% agreed to ban smoking in theme parks
Prohibit smoking in all public transport interchanges Under consideration 83.4% agreed
Prohibit smoking in all bus terminuses Will be discussed 81.6% agreed
Prohibit selling cigarette to persons in school uniform. Under consideration --
Prohibit smoking in all public pleasure grounds Should consult district board first 80.3% agreed to ban smoking in resting parks.


24.  Andrew Cheng Kar-foo welcomes the decision of the administration to accept some of the amendments proposed by the Democratic Party to enhance smoking ban. However, he is disappointed that, while all the amendments are carefully drafted, supported by research and proposal on law implementations, evidence for the feasibilities, and proved widely supported by the public, the administration still hesitates on whether to accept some of the amendments raised by the Democratic Party to protect the health of the public. He decided to move committee stage amendments if the administration refuses to accept the proposed amendments. The Chairman of the Bills Committee on Smoking (Public Health) (Amendment) Bill 2005 Andrew Cheng Kar-foo The Convener of the Health Group of the Democratic Party Mark Li Kin-yin


附件一至八  Appendix 1-8